Köszönjük Kevin

Támadt egy ötletem! Vagyis ez az ötlet már korábban felmerült, csak aztán letettem róla, de pár napja egy kedves VU-ismerősöm felhívta rá a figyelmemet, illetve neki is eszébe jutott. ;)

Kevin Sullivan Az lenne a kérésem, hogy aki szereti a Váratlan utazást, az Annát, Avonlea világát, esetleg megvette a Váratlan utazás DVD-t (az első évadot), meg van vele elegédve, és szeretné ezeket megköszönni Kevin Sullivannek, az írjon pár sort lehetőleg angolul, és köszönje meg neki a kiváló munkát, illetve azt a lehetőséget, hogy a sorozat végre magyarul is megjelent. Ez csak egy kis apróság, de biztos örülne neki, ha nem csak tőlem kapna visszajelzéseket, hanem más rajongóktól is. Kevin Sullivan nagyra értékeli a magyarok rajongását, lelkesedését, ez már akkor látszott, amikor 2009-ben pár napos budapesti útján időt szakított ránk, így szerintem örülne, ha hallaná ismét a magyar rajongók hangját.

Nem kell ódákat írni, 1-2 sor, mondat, de akár 1-2 szó is megteszi. Annyi is elég például, hogy Thank you, Kevin, for Road to Avonlea!. Persze lehet írni hosszabban is, de nem kötelező.

Az első ötletem az volt, hogy mindenki saját maga írjon Sullivanéknek, ezért meg is adtam az ilyen célokra fenntartott e-mail címüket, de aztán rájöttem, hogy praktikusabb inkább személyesen Kevin Sullivannek küldeni a leveleket. Az ő címét viszont nem szeretném kiadni, ezért inkább én összegyűjtöm az üzeneteket, és egyben fogom eljuttatni Kevin Sullivannek az összeset.

Aki tehát szeretne Kevinnek üzenni, az írja meg az üzenetét nekem. Ha lehet, angolul írjatok, így mindenkinek a saját szavait tudom továbbítani. De ha valakinek az angol probléma, akkor természetesen írhat magyarul is, le fogom fordítani az üzenetét. Az üzenetek leadásának határideje február 25-e, szombat március 4-e, vasárnap. Azután fogom az üzeneteket továbbítani, majd beszámolok a fogadtatásról is.

Ez az akció csupán egy kérés, de ha valakinek van kedve, pár perce, tegye meg, hogy üzen. Jó lenne, ha összejönne 20-30, esetleg 50 üzenet! ;)

Aki nem kéri kifejezetten, hogy ne tegyem, annak az üzenetét feltöltöm az Avonlea.hu-ra is, erre az oldalra, hátha ezzel másoknak is kedvet csinál. ;) Természetesen e-mail címet, lakcímet nem teszek közzé, a cél az, hogy másokat is ösztönözzünk. Ha valaki nem szeretné, ha az üzenete publikus lenne, az jelezze, a kérését tiszteletben tartom, és akkor csak Kevinnek adom át az üzenetét.

Kis késéssel, de átküldtem Kevin Sullivannek a köszönőüzeneteket azzal a megjegyzéssel, hogy a sikeres VU-tali inspirált sokakat a köszönetek megírására. Bár kicsit korábban meghirdettem a témát, valóban a találkozó után kaptam a legtöbb üzenetet. Nem kaptam jópár napig visszajelzést, aztán észrevettem, hogy kitették az oldalukra hírként a VU-találkozót! (Ők picit tévesen első találkozóra hivatkoznak, ez pedig már a sokadik volt, de az tény, hogy ennyi vendég és résztvevő sosem volt találkozón.) Nagy megtiszteltetés Sullivanék oldalán hírként szerepelni!


Íme az eddig beérkezett és publikálást nem tiltó üzenetek.

  • Dear Mr Kevin Sullivan,

    I'd like to thank you for the Hungarian release of Road to Avonlea! This is my absolute favorite series. One of my oldest dreams has come true. I love Anne of Green Gables of course (I have the Hungarian DVD set as well) but nothing compares to Road to Avonlea, RTA is the best in my opinion. Everyone in my family loves it, so I bought 3 DVD sets of Road to Avonlea Season One. The Hungarian dubbing is very great, and the subtitles provide a wonderful chance to practice English. RTA's English is so great. The digitally restored widescreen picture is so gorgeous! It must have been an enormous amount of work to restore it. After looking at the restored episodes, it gives a real pain to watch the old videos recorded from TV. My family and I are very, very much looking forward to buy the further seasons of the series. I spread the news on Facebook, workplace and everywhere I can. We really hope we will be able to watch widescreen RTA in Hungarian in the near future. It would be another dream come true if the complete soundtrack of RTA would be released, especially Hagood Hardy's and John Welsman's music. THANK YOU SO MUCH! And thank you for visiting us in Budapest in 2009. :)

    Best regards,
    Magdi Dőry from Hungary

  • Dear Mr Sullivan,

    I glad that this series published with Hungarian subtitles and dub. It has given a lot of nice hours. Thank you very much.

    Yours sincerely,
    Orsolya Szekeres

  • Dear Kevin,

    Thank you for sharing these beautiful stories. I love them and I always watch your films again and again.
    Have a beautiful day and I wish you a lot of success in your work.

    Gertrúd Földvári

  • Dear Kevin Sullivan,

    I'd like to thank you for those wonderful years of my childhood:)... I watched the series as many times as possible, also during my pregnancy with my first baby, and now I watch it with my little son, because there's so much goodness to learn from the characters;).

    Best regards,
    Katalin Vágó-Lévai & Little Bence:))

  • Dear Kevin Sullivan,

    The first time I met with Road to Avonlea when I was a child and for some reason I fell in love with it immediately. Every single time when I was watching an episode I felt deep peace inside. I have a great Mother and Father but since they divorced my family can not be considered as an ideal family. Every time when I saw those families in the movie I kinda imagined how I would like to have my own one. Also also love the soundtracks.

    Now more than a decade later I was super excited to order the DVD and I can tell you that me and my family - with 3 children - watch it regularly. We are trying to be a practicing Christian family and we select very carefully what to watch on a Sabbath day. Things that bring peace and rest and help us to ponder on the most important things in life. For us these are only gospel related movies and music on that day. The only movie that we watch that is not gospel related is RTA because its spirituality is what we are looking for on a Sunday.

    Your movies have greatly influenced the family and the blessing that I have in my life and it looks like it will continue. :)

    Thank you very much!

    Best regards,
    Olivér Szobonya

  • Dear Mr. Sullivan,

    Everytime I wonder about the popularity of this fascinating series, it comes to my mind that in this distorted world, where every value is lost - disregarding the age, gender and nationality - the people aspire for the possibility of getting back to where it all was a whole, healthy world.

    Probably there is a part of Avonlea in each and every hearts of ours, a lots of us knew their own Aunt Hetties, Marillas, Mrs. Lyndes, Uncle Alecs and or we could also imagine what it is like to be a child from the series.

    What I feel watching it over and over again is much more than just nostalgy. I feel that every kid should be watching it and they all should be raised by the values of this series. What I experience is that almost none of them are being raised by those because the lack of attention for the children.

    That is the reason I am so glad that the first season can be watched in Hungary, our small country and we can do it even in Hungarian. It would be awesome if we had the possibility to watch the rest of the series. I would like to thank you for listening the characters' voice dubbed by our nation's great actors' voice.

    Thank you very much for all of your movies! I wish you to carry on your work, to have even more successes, and a great health.

    Best wishes,
    Gabriella Radó (53 years old teacher from Budapest)

  • Dear Mr. Sullivan,

    This series is the best - which I saw in my life.
    Not only One Series, but onto: lifelong - experience-teaching... for me, for us !!
    All characters are wonderful, like a family we would be!
    (Excuse me for my English.)

    Thank you!
    All the best for You : Ildikó and Rachel Lazar from Jerusalem

  • Dear Kevin Sullivan,

    I'd like to thank you for Road to Avonlea and Anne of Green Gables. I saw these series on TV when I was child. I was waiting for the DVD release for many years and now my dream comes true. When I see Road to Avonlea or Anne of Green Gables I feel myself like a child again. My soul is pure as a child's soul without bad thoughts, and I'm happy and relaxed. I'd like to be on the beautiful Prince Edward Island to meet Sara Stanley or Anne Shirley or the other characters. Thank you for these experience! My English is not very good, I can't write better what these series mean to me.

    Best wishes,
    Mónika Varga

  • Dear Kevin Sullivan,

    I like the series because of that I laugh at so much on them. So charming, can be liked the stories the characters, the sites. I like it, that this much manifold the story, the events were never repeated there is a surprise in all parts.

    I wish you all the best,
    Kriszta Balogh from Hungary

  • Dear Mr Kevin Sullivan,

    Since the first time I watched the Road To Avonlea -many-many times already- :) , I've fallen in love with Canada too. So I made a decision: I shall go there once. This series puts a big pressure on me. It seems so my dream comes true finally...
    My family loves RTA too!

    So I would like to say thank you! Thank you for the movie, series and thank you for giving me this aim!
    Thank You,Thank You,Thank You! :)

    Best wishes,
    Zsófia Wagner

  • Dear Kevin Sullivan,

    We would like to thank you the creation of this magnificant series called Road to Avonlea. We think this is the best series of the 20th century. Thank you for your hard working and vocation.
    It is a privilege for us – Hungarian people – that you helped Zsolt to create the Hungarian release with the new transfer and remastered picture. We hope you will come again to Hungary because we really want to meet with you personally.

    Best regards,
    Varró Family

  • Dear Kevin,

    I am the fan of Road to Avonlea and the Anne-series, since they were first broadcasted in the Hungarian television. I was then a little girl, and in the past almost two decades I invented more and more beauty and truth in your films, I can enjoy them now as well, as a 30-year old woman, who has already 2 little daughters.

    I would like to thank you that you made these films, I have recorded all of them on VHS, and I think I was on of the happiest fan in Hungary, when I heard about the DVDs. Certainly I have the Anne DVD-box, and the 1st season of Road to Avonlea, which are the same films that I had on VHS but much more because of the technician possibilities.

    My daughters (age 4 and 2.5) already loves the stories of Sara, they watch the DVDs in English, so I can develop the stories in the original language again and again.

    I feel that I have no words to say how much do these films mean for me, and I really wanna thank it to you that with the help of the DVDs I can show them to my children to feel all beauties that I enjoyed of this wonderful world you had created. I hope that all the series of Road to Avonlea will come out on DVD! Thank you once again - to you and everyone who work about the films!

    Best regards,
    Adrienn Ungor (Budapest)

  • Dear Kevin,

    Having seen the entire RTA series several times, bought the Hungarian DVD release & can't wait to see the following seasons, I'd like to join the crowds praising you and your team for all the work of making every episode of RTA to a real wonder. You made many people happy, not only for those 45 minutes of an episode but far beyond that...
    Young and old, every nation, in every corner of the world could find something they could identify themselves with, the characters, the landscape, the stories, the moral... amazing, unforgettable moments of life.

    Growing up with Road to Avonlea, watching the show, reading the books, I think I'm not alone with the dream (well, by now even a realistic goal) to go and see Canada, even P.E.I. if possible - I can't wait to get on a plane and see where all this was made, or inspired from.

    Thank you for bringing 'a piece of perfect world' closer to us & I wish you all the best and a lot of success, you deserve it all!

    Best regards from Budapest,
    Monika Balint

  • Dear Kevin!

    It's so fantastic, that after watching your unbelievable nice fims - the nicest of all I have ever seen - we not only could meet You in Hungary, but can watch your kind video messages as well. There is one thing left: to travel to Prince Edward Island somewhen and see all the beautiful plots.

    Thank You very much for Your kindness and for all the enjoyment in the past, present and hopefully in the future.

    Love, Klari (Claire) Zach

  • Dear Mr. Sullivan,

    Thank you for the Road to Avonlea! Me and my family love the series very much, and we used to watch again and again.

    Best wishes,
    Losits family

  • Dear Kevin Sullivan,

    Thank you for the Road to Avonlea Hungarian edition. This series is a favorite of ours. All my folks watched when it was on the screen. We hope other seasons will also be released in the future. We wish the best for you. Once more thank you very much.

    Yours sincerely,
    Agnes Scsur and her family

  • Dear Mr Sullivan,

    Thank you for the marvellous Anne of Green Gables (1-2-3) and Road to Avonlea! I have no words to tell you how much I like them. These films are in my heart.

    Many thanks again! I wish you the best of success in the future.

    Yours sincerely,
    Mariann Radasits

  • Dear Kevin!

    I am very pleased that the RTA has reached us in Hungary. So far, my favorite show and always will be. Durable and can watch many times. I hope the other seasons also reach us on DVD. Thank you the series.

    Sincerely, Gábor from Hungary

Kozák Zsolt, 2012.01.25.