Szentei Óvodásokért Alapítvány (Foundation for the Kindergarten of Szente)
Szente is a small village in Hungary and its kindergarten has a foundation. The kindergarten opened in 1999 and not long after its opening they founded a foundation for the purpose of providing children of the kindergarten with swimming lessons. There is no swimming pool or beach close to the village, so the children need to travel far to find a place to swim. Because of the travelling and costs of swimming lessons the Foundation covers the costs for the children to attend a swimming camp once a year for 2 weeks. The Foundation also helps parents in another way; by enabling children the chance to visit the theatre every now and then. The Foundation has also purchased games for the young children. Unfortunately parents have no financial coverage for these activities.
The kindergarten started with 14 children but today they are raising 33 children. The children are also currently learning folkdance but they do need clothes and shoes and the kindergarten would like to organize craft activities and purchase a potter-disc to make local crafts but currently they do not have enough money for these things yet. The kindergarten is raising children in a familiar, traditional spirit.
This is a Hungarian charity. It can provide a tax-deductable certificate for tax reductions, but it may only be valid within Hungary only. Please check with your country's tax office.