Search help
For better navigation on site you can use a search engine. This one searches for content on the site on the basis of word(s) typed in the searchbox (you can enter expressions too, not just a simple word). There is a logical AND relation between the words if you use an expression. It means: search engine finds a page if it contains all the words defined in the searchbox. Using the * or ? wildcards does not affect searching, they do not replace part of a word.
The search engine does not search in the forum by default, but you can choose searching all the site, forum included or search in the forum only options as well. (Search engines are forbidden from indexing forum pages of
10 search hits appear per page. In the results you can find the title of the page, a short description (in italic style) about the page hit by your search query and an excerpt from the beginning of the page. Your search expression is emphasized in blue color if it's in this excerpt. And you can find the last modified date and the size of the page too. Results sorted by relevancy.
You can tune the simple search, there is a advanced search mode. You can change between the two modes by clicking on the button on the top right side of the search page. There are several options for tuning your search query and displaying the results.
- results per page is variable;
- 3 output formats: the default long, a short one including title and description of the page you found and a URL one including the URL (address) of the page only
- You can choose between 3 matches if you search for more words (an expression):
- all - logical AND relation between words (default option)
- any - logical OR relation between words, so if any of the words are found on a page, it's a hit
- boolean - you can define compound search queries with logical operators (and, or, not)
- you can search for: whole word (default) or part of a word (beginning, ending or substring). So if you search for entartain for example, you can get pages containing entertained, entertaining, entertainment etc. too. (Warning! Searching for not the whole word (using one of the other 3 options) takes 5-10 secundums or more because of the complex algorithm.)
- Almost every page of contains keywords and description, which is not displayed by the browser but available for search engines. You can search in these sections of the page separately, not just in the whole page.
- Search results are sorted by relevancy or last modified date.
- You can limit results to pages published/modified within a specified period of time. There are several options according to the current date or you can specify a period between 2 optional dates. This limit is useful if you search in the forum, because last modified date of forum pages equals last posted comment on a forum page.
This search engine is not my development. I use the free mnoGoSearch software. Indexing the site and it's forum occures 2 times a week (on Monday and Thursday), so search engine cannot find too recent comments in the forum.