Publication Upload

If you have some picture, article, drawing or anything connected to Avonlea and/or Road to Avonlea, and you would like to share it with other fans, you can do it here. Just upload the document, picture or something else, and other fans can reach it.

You are allowed to upload files up to maximum 1 Mbyte size per file, but you can upload several files. Everybody has a 2 Mbyte quota, and everybody can use it as he or she wants. For example you can upload either 10 files, if their total size is under 2 Mbytes. (If you would like to upload some big files that exceed your quota, just send me a mail, and in justified cases I will increase one's quota.) Please use well-known formats to avoid other fans from problems with opening your publications. (E.g. use JPEG or GIF instead of a BMP, which is bigger and not supported by every browser.) Do not use special fileformats.

You are allowed to upload stuff, which

  • is not illegal, does not break the law,
  • does not offend other people,
  • is connected to Avonlea, so fits in with the profile of this website,
  • is not connected exactly to Avonlea but there is not too far from it.

The webmaster of this site reserves the right of supervising uploaded files, and either removing them without any warning, if he finds that some files do not fit the terms above.

Publication Upload
  1. characters remaning