Brilliant artistry built every bit of the Road to Avonlea series. To a whole generation, and for everyone afterward, Avonlea became a living, breathing, emoting place, and a beautiful home for thousands of imaginations. Everyone exposed to the series has fallen in love with it and so much of that is because of the gorgeous, inciteful music of John Welsman! He stirred our hearts and thoughts and made Avonlea real. You are missing such an opportunity by not publishing the proper, most known and well remembered, best loved score! As stereotyped as they still are as little girls, the International fanbase (composed of both men and ladies) for Welsman's beautiful music and all things Avonlea has grown up and are tremendously eager to own their memories! We are all waiting for the day that we hope you do make Welsman's music and Avonlea DVDs avalible for our purchase.
